The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Academy

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A Philosophy of Practice

The sun rises today, too.
Stand toward the morning sun.
The morning ceremony, with hands in prayer, to pay a tribute of gratitude for the profound guidance of the mind by heaven and earth, is the great foundation to lead one’s self-conviction and propitious faith to the enriched mind.
The morning ceremony, with hands in prayer, to pay a tribute of gratitude for the profound guiding of the mind by the ancestors is the great foundation to lead one’s self-conviction and propitious faith to the enriched mind.
The morning pledges,
(the basics for everyday life, the foundation of peace for our home, and the principles of peace),
together with the pledge of practice, are read aloud with hands in prayer.
It is the great foundation to lead one’s self-conviction and propitious faith to the enriched mind.

The deep and everlasting guidance from heaven and earth, is the only and single point of origin, that awakens the understanding of the firm truth that the anguished sufferings from numerous and indescribable hardships, and deep and long meditation make the mind rich and affluent.
◎ 流汗涙悟道 (To sweat and tear to enlightenment)

The mental torment in our life is endless. As long as there are dreams and hopes, it does not end. It exists forever. The mind is the foundation to find truth and the supreme treasure. The discipline of mental torment makes the mind grow; brings good luck; a precious source yielding faith and truth; and a shining jewel to cleanse and beautify our minds. A person who keeps the mind just and clear and pursues the world of eternal beauty while struggling through the process of mental torment is a great person and fully blessed with a propitious fate.
We are creatures of the constant and imperturbable state of mind, based on unswerving faith guided by the profundity of the mind, reached from the guidance of heaven and earth and our ancestors.
As a person who has actually experienced happiness of the mind and good luck, to convey such experience to descendents, and to convey this practical and positive philosophy to lead our lives, I urge:

Bring your hands together and pray from the heart and soul to convey the philosophy of practice, the experience of our lifetime.

Dissemination of Kim Chang-In's Practical Philosophy