A Path for Man
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A Philosophy of Heart and Soul
That Guides Us to Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity
The principles and rules of property inheritance are passing down the spirit of peace; that is to say, the path for man.
The true nature and basic way of thinking about money.
Money is to be earned at the cost of one’s sweat while undergoing anguished sufferings from numerous and indescribable hardships by depending on one’s self-reliance.
Only money that is earned in this way has the truest value to the straight, clear, and precious mind of oneself.
True peace, happiness, and prosperity come from the mind and the spirit that respect the magnanimous peace; they arise only from a generous and profound state of mind. This works forever.
A capable person who is skilled to accurately and properly manage money is a person who is capable of using money clearly, righteously, and beautifully for a precise moment, and also of handling money correctly and clearly.
The person of such capability is also a capable person who knows how to create peace, happiness, and prosperity.
It is the due responsibility, as a proud human being, to strictly adhere to self-reliance, independence, and self-respect.
◎ One must be aware, most importantly with a right mind, of the fact that a principle is the sublime, high and noble providence and heaven’s decree.
Understanding principles, deeply from the foundation, is indeed the way to adhere to such principles.
A deep understanding of the principle, reaching to the foundation, is indeed the way to adhere, impartially and strictly, and on one’s own initiative, to the right principle that brings peace, happiness, and prosperity.